Recurring Revenue and Your Website: A Closer Look

Recurring Revenue and Your Website: A Closer Look

Around 55% of entrepreneurs say that the biggest reason for starting their own business was to be their own boss.

But if you can start a business or side hustle with the potential to create recurring revenue, that’s even better! And if you create a remote recurring revenue business with low start-up costs, you’re really winning at life.

Yes, it’s 100% possible to make money every month with a successful website if you know how to do it. Lucky for you, this guide can tell you exactly what you need to know to get started today.

How To Build a Platform for Recurring Revenue

There are two things you need before you can make recurring income via a website. The first is a successful website with lots of traffic and engaged fans. The second is a recurring revenue income model.

Let’s take a closer look at how to do the former.

Create a Website and Brand Identity

Web Design Development Style Ideas Website Concept

There are several steps you need to take to build a website. This is a simple step-by-step guide:

One of the best marketing tips anyone can give you when you start a new website or company is to keep it simple. And choose a name that will make the purpose of your website crystal clear.

Make Search Engine Optimized Content

Next, you need to put content on your website so it can provide value to your future visitors. But contrary to what you learned watching Field of Dreams, you cannot write anything and expect internet users to show up. You need to ensure your content is SEO optimized so that the most people possible will find your site.

Conceptual of SEO Analysis and Business

By using SEO techniques when creating content, it is more likely to rank higher in relevant search results.

Here are some simple Search Engine Optimization tips that you can start applying to your website content today:

  • Research the best keywords for your website’s niche
  • Put the keywords in strategic places in your content
  • Link to internal and external web pages from your content
  • Upload engaging images with a small file size
  • Format your content with headings and short paragraphs
  • Write content with over 1,000 words

Keywords are search terms that you want people to type into search engines and find your website. You need to choose a primary keyword for every piece of content. Put this keyword in your title, URL, meta description, and in the body of your content.

There are so many other SEO tips and techniques you can use to increase traffic to your website. It will be worth the investment to take an SEO course run by experts like Peak SEO Training.

Examples of Recurring Revenue Models

You run a successful website. Congratulations! What now? Well, you need to start earning recurring revenue every month.

And the great news is that you have a few options. Depending on your website’s niche or purpose, you can choose one or more of these models. Let’s take a look at each option in depth so you can make an informed decision with these building money tips.

Website Display Advertisements

You’ve likely seen display advertisements on web pages many times before. These are images with text and sometimes videos that advertise a third-party brand. They are often clickable, so you can visit the brand’s website to check out their products and services.

To display these types of ads, you don’t need to contact every individual company. You can sign up for a “middleman” ad service that will help you install code to your website so you can display ads and make money. As long as your traffic stays consistent, your monthly earnings will too.

Here are some options of ad services you can sign up with:

  • Mediavine
  • Google Adsense
  • Ezoic
  • SHE Media
  • Adpushup
  • Kevel

Note that some of these services ask that your website reach certain traffic thresholds. For example, for Mediavine to accept your website, it needs to get 50,000 sessions a month. Sign up for Google Analytics to find this information.

Modern Technology Concept Web Traffic Analytics

Other Types of Advertisements

Many website owners work with brands on a project-by-project basis. But there are ways to also gain recurring advertising deals.

For example, if you have a podcast attached to your website, you could get a sponsor for every episode. Or you could become an ambassador for a brand. They will pay you a monthly fee for a specified number of mentions or links from your website.

Personal Membership Platforms

One of the most popular ways that websites make recurring revenue is by setting up a subscription service. This is where you provide premium content or other benefits to paying members only.

These are the kinds of services you can offer:

  • Blog posts
  • eBooks
  • Videos
  • Guides and tutorials
  • Behind-the-scenes peaks
  • Q&As and “Ask Me Anything” sessions
  • Courses
  • Private forums

You can offer a combination of the above using a tiered system. For example, you can offer premium blog posts for $5 a month. Or, you can offer premium blog posts, a forum, and Q&As for $10 a month.

Long-term Freelance Contracts

You might be able to get long-term, freelance contracts with businesses through having a website. For example, if you are a web designer, you could offer monthly web maintenance packages. This is recurring work as opposed to one-off website building projects.

Make Your Website Work for You With Recurring Revenue

Starting a website with a recurring revenue model is, by far, one of the most stable entrepreneurial models. And now you know how to do exactly that.

You can reap the rewards of your hard work every month.

Want to learn more about web design and the backend of creating a website? Browse our tech articles for tons more helpful tips!