How To See & Remove Last Seen Recently In Telegram (2024)

How To See & Remove Last Seen Recently In Telegram (2024)


Telegram is a popular messaging app known for its robust features and emphasis on user privacy. One of the features that users frequently inquire about is the “Last Seen” status, which indicates the last time a user was active on the platform. For those concerned about privacy or simply wanting more control over their online presence, managing the Last Seen status in Telegram is essential. This article provides a guide on how to view and manage your Last Seen status on Telegram in 2024.

Understanding Last Seen Status on Telegram

Understanding Last Seen Status on Telegram

The Last Seen status on Telegram informs other users about the last time you were active on the app. It appears as a timestamp next to your name in chat lists and individual chats. This feature is enabled by default but can be adjusted to suit your preferences for privacy and visibility.

Viewing Your Last Seen Status

To view your Last Seen status on Telegram:

1. Open Telegram: Launch the Telegram app on your device.

2. Navigate to Settings: Tap on the three horizontal lines or your profile picture at the top left corner to access the main menu. Select Settings.

3. Privacy and Security: Within Settings, find and tap on Privacy and Security.

4. Last Seen and Online: Under the Privacy section, locate Last Seen & Online.

5. View Last Seen: Here, you can see your Last Seen status, which shows the exact time when you were last active on Telegram.

Adjusting Last Seen Settings

Telegram offers users flexibility in managing their Last Seen status to balance privacy and connectivity. Here’s how to adjust your Last Seen settings:

1. Open Privacy Settings: Follow steps 1 to 3 above to navigate to Privacy and Security.

2. Select Who Can See Your Last Seen: Tap on Last Seen & Online to adjust who can see your Last Seen status.

– Everyone: Your Last Seen status is visible to all Telegram users, including those who are not in your contacts.

– My Contacts: Limit visibility to only users who are saved in your Telegram contacts.

– Nobody: Hide your Last Seen status from all users, making your activity on Telegram completely private.

3. Apply Changes: Select your preferred option (Everyone, My Contacts, or Nobody) to apply changes to your Last Seen visibility settings.

Removing Your Last Seen Recently

If you wish to remove your Last Seen status completely from being visible to others, follow these steps:

1. Open Privacy Settings: Again, navigate to Settings > Privacy and Security.

2. Customize Last Seen: Tap on Last Seen & Online.

3. Select Nobody: Choose Nobody to prevent anyone from seeing your Last Seen status.

4. Verify Visibility: Double-check by asking a friend or another account to check if they can see your Last Seen status. It should now show as “Hidden” or “Unknown”.

Benefits of Managing Last Seen on Telegram

– Enhanced Privacy: Control who can see your activity status to maintain privacy and reduce interruptions.

– Reduced Pressure: Avoid the pressure of immediate responses by managing when your Last Seen status is visible to others.

– Improved Focus: Minimize distractions and focus on tasks without constant notifications or inquiries based on your Last Seen status.


Managing your Last Seen status on Telegram provides you with greater control over your online presence and privacy. Whether you prefer to keep your activity visible to everyone, limit it to contacts only, or hide it completely, Telegram offers customizable options to suit your preferences. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently navigate Telegram’s settings to adjust your Last Seen status and enjoy a more personalized messaging experience. Whether for personal use or professional communication, understanding and managing your Last Seen status ensures that you can engage with Telegram on your terms while maintaining privacy and control.