The Latest Smartphone Security Tips That You Should Implement Today

The Latest Smartphone Security Tips That You Should Implement Today

Smartphone malware infects over 800 million mobile devices every year, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Smartphone security is a huge issue, especially with over 3.8 billion mobile users across the globe every single year.

We store payment apps, email access, and personal information on our phones all the time. Hackers want access to that information, so as mobile usage has climbed, malware and attacks have followed.

To keep yourself and every cell phone user you know safe, follow these tips.

Some Types of Cell Phones Are More Secure Than Others

Android, we’re looking at you. While Android being open source is great for numerous reasons, it’s also a hacker’s playground.

With access to the open-source code, they can develop malware and other ways to invade your mobile phone. In fact, over 98% of mobile malware is on Android devices since Apple has a proprietary build.

Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi

Portrait of Attractive Happy Asian Woman Holding Smartphone

If you can connect to public Wi-Fi, so can hackers and data thieves. They set up an invisible point between your phone and the Wi-Fi connection, like a hotspot.

They monitor everything you input and access while on that network. If you sign into anything on public Wi-Fi, you’re making it available to anyone else that’s also connected to that network.

You can also use fake phone number services to sign up for social media sites and online offers to avoid hackers finding this information. Look here for our preferred guide to disposable phone numbers.

Never Use Public Charging Stations

Buy a separate power bank, but never use public charging stations. This is a practice known as “juice jacking” where hackers will set up false public charging stations to access your phone.

Free Battery Charging and Free WiFi Station in a Public Place

Out of all these security best practices, this one is perhaps the most sneaky. We’ve been told for years to avoid public Wi-Fi, but public charging stations stealing your information is new and extremely dangerous.

Never Store Passwords in Your Browser

This is why we have secure apps for everything. Your browser may ask if you want to store your password, and you should always decline the option.

Data breaches happen all the time, and among those breaches, there’s a high password reuse rate. Essentially, people use the same password for multiple accounts and then end up with non-breached accounts encountering issues.

It doesn’t matter if you have the best smartphone with the newest security features: this isn’t always in your control. As part of your data best practices, avoid storing passwords digitally.

Install Antivirus Protection on Your Smartphone

Safety Smartphone With Approved

Even if you avoid using third-party app stores (which you absolutely should do), you can still end up with malware and viruses. We don’t often think about installing antivirus software on our phones since everything is modular.

Find a reputable mobile antimalware and antivirus software that can help protect your smartphone. You should still avoid public Wi-Fi and public charging to be safe while relying on antivirus software as an additional measure.

Smartphone Security Is Always Changing

To stay up-to-date on mobile news and tech tips, view our archive of guides and information that keeps you safely connected. Smartphone security is a growing concern: stay ahead of the curve.

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