The 5 Best Grammarly Alternatives For Flawless Writing: 5 Tools for Content Writer, Blogger, and Businessperson

The 5 Best Grammarly Alternatives For Flawless Writing: 5 Tools for Content Writer, Blogger, and Businessperson

Suppose you are a non-native English speaker, blogger, content writer, businessperson, or simply want to check your text before you get it out, even if it’s just a social media post. In that case, you might want to take a look at some of these AI-powered writing assistants.

Grammarly is the first choice for many, but there are quite a few alternatives to it you would want to check out. Here are the top 5:

1. Linguix


Linguix uses artificial intelligence to assist you with your writing. It checks your text for any mistakes and provides you with vocabulary, grammar, and style suggestions. It allows you to immediately spot those errors you have made, whether they are grammar-related, typos, or concerning proper punctuation.

And you get all of that as you are typing. As far as your style of writing is concerned, you can make your content more coherent and captivating if you follow Linguix’s suggestions which take context into account. Accepting recommendations is as simple as it gets. Just click the pop-up which should appear when you put your pointer over a phrase or word that’s underlined in red.

Grammatical errors are fixed automatically, which makes the whole process extra fast. The rewriter feature can assist you with rephrasing sentences that might be a bit too complex or incoherent, so your readability goes up. It also comes as a web browser extension, so you can use it to write flawless social posts and e-mails.

Not to mention it integrates with Google Docs, Slack, Asana, and Linguix also has the secret mode feature, which deletes your content from Linguix’s servers as soon as you choose to delete it.

2. Wordtune


Wordtune is a service perfect for certain business purposes, such as creating documents for your clients, writing e-mails, using direct messages to contact your colleagues, and more. It offers quite a few features, one of them being rewrite, where you can rephrase your text as Wordtune gives you recommendations on what to change and exactly how to do it.

In addition, you can pick the length and tone of the suggestions you get for rewriting your sentences, so you get the most out of efficient phrasing. The tool also allows you to write your text in a foreign language, and then when you pick the rewrite option, you get recommendations on how to rephrase your sentences in English so it is perfect for non-native English speakers.

3. ProWritingAid


ProWritingAid serves as an editing tool as well as a grammar and style checker. It also checks your text for plagiarism. If you aim to improve your English skills or simply want a tool to refine your text, this is the tool for you. It’s almost like a personal language coach.

It integrates with Google Docs, Scrivener, Microsoft suite, Apache Open Office, and a lot of other platforms. ProWritingAid is used by many different categories of people, such as students, fiction and non-fiction authors, content writers, bloggers, and even people who use it for business purposes.

You get more than 20 different types of reports, so you can analyze your writing in as much detail as possible. It also has the word explorer feature, which helps you find and pick the proper words from various dictionaries. The tool makes a note of the words you have been repeating throughout the text, as well as visualizes the length of your sentences.

4. Sapling


Sapling is a great tool if you need a personal writing assistant for primarily business purposes. It gives you live recommendations on how to help your sales and support teams so they can give the perfect custom responses to your customers.

With Sapling, you can respond to more customers because its Suggest feature allows your agents to send out responses to your customers way more quicker. Say no to chatbots because Sapling can give you way better results. The AI’s deep learning gives you autocomplete recommendations, supported on all messaging platforms, so you can solve more inquiries as quickly as possible.

5. Readable


Readable analyzes the overall readability of your writing using algorithms such as Flesch-Kincaid and Gunning-Fog. It also includes both grammar and style tools that spot common writing mistakes like cliches, adverbs, and using the passive voice.

You can also check keyword density in your text. Best of all, the URL checker feature allows you to analyze web pages, as in the full history of the URL. So, if you own a blog or a website you want to optimize, this can come quite in handy.

The style of your writing can be thoroughly analyzed as Readable detects even the tone of your content so you can accordingly adjust it to whomever you want. This includes both the formality and informality of your writing, as well as the overall positivity and personalization.


As you can see, there are some good alternatives to Grammarly, Linguix being one of the most efficient ones that offer immediate help with anything you might need as far as your writing goes.

If you opt for it, the readability of your text will improve in no time.